Clubs, associations and users who are active in ‘t Slot
Click the names for more info
Accordeon ensemble d’Accord Encore (Accordion orchestra)
Apple Club Eindhoven
Bloedafname (Blood Collection)
‘t Boekenslot (Library)
Dynamo Jeugdwerk ) Juvenile work)
Echo Van Het Zuiden (Accordion and mandolin orchestra)
Eerste Goudse Afslankclub (Slimming Club)
Fotoschouw (Photo Club) Groei en Bloei Eindhoven (Garden Lovers club)
KBO Gestelse Ontginning (Interest group for seniors)
Koffieuurtje (Coffee time!)
De Lappers Biljartclub (Billiard club )
Libre Biljartclub Messiaen (Billiard Club)
Repair Café Gestel
Reumacafé (Rheumatism Café)
Schildersclub ‘t Slepertje (Painting Club)
Sociale Raadsliedenwerk (Social Counsellor’s Work)
Spelletjesmiddag (Games afternoon)
Taalkracht (Language courses)
Taalcafé (Language café)
Vectorvest gebruikersgroep (Users group investers)
Vereniging van Natuurfotografen Eindhoven (Association of Nature Photographers)
VERON (Radio amateurs)
Yoga Lucie
Zanggroep Dirk (Singing group)
Zelfhulpgroep (Self- help group)
Neighbourhood organizations in Gestelse Ontginning
Stichting Buurtbeheer Genderbeemd
Stichting Hart voor Hanevoet
Wijkvereniging Ooievaarsnest

After Riet Smulders retired as an accordion teacher at the CKE in 2013, she was back in front of her accordion ensemble in November 2019. During a third reunion in May 2019, it was decided to revive the former music school ensemble D’Accord as D’Accord Encore.
The current line-up consists of 4 first, 4 second, 4 third, 2 fourth and 2 bass voices.
Would you like to play with us? Experienced players are welcome! Contact at
We rehearse every second Saturday afternoon of the month, with the exception of July and August.
The repertoire consists of original accordion music, arrangements of well-known classical pieces, compositions by Astor Piazzolla, Balkan, Klezmer, Musical and film music.
We think it’s a nice challenge to give a concert every year to perform new repertoire, but also to do that together with a guest ensemble. In 2022 accordion quintet ARTE was a guest, in 2023 accordion and mandolin association the Echo van het Zuiden.
Apple Club Eindhoven (ACE) is a users group for everyone who uses Apple products: Macintosh computer, iPad, iPhone, AppleWatch, etc. There is a monthly meeting that usually takes the form of a so-called “survey without meeting”, where everyone is given the opportunity to discuss any problem. Regularly there is a lecture or demonstration by a club member or external expert. There is a free library and some equipment can be rented for a small fee. Feel free to come and have a look at a meeting without obligation. Membership is only € 12.50 per year.

You don’t have to travel far to get a blood sample taken. In ‘t Slot, the Blood Collection provides blood samples for Diagnostiek voor U, the Catharina Hospital, the Máxima Medical Center and the Thrombosis Service Eindhoven Region.
You can only come here by appointment. It is easy to make an appointment at
Do you only want to hand in a jar of urine or faeces (without blood tests)? Then you do not need to make an appointment. You may hand in the jar to the blood collection employee during opening hours. Make sure the jar contains the patient’s information.
Opening hours and other information:
‘t Boekenslot is the library by volunteers in ‘t Slot. Here residents of Oud Kasteel (Hanevoet, Genderbeemd and Ooievaarsnest) can borrow (Dutch) books for free, and read newspapers and magazines at the reading table. New books are regularly on the shelves so that there is always something to choose from.
And there is always time for a chat.
Books from the Eindhoven Library can also be returned here and reserved books can be picked up.
Opening hours:
– Monday afternoon 14.00 – 16.00 h
– Tuesday morning 10.00 – 12.00 h
– Thursday afternoon 14.00 – 16.00 h
Reading table and service point Eindhoven Library: during the opening hours of ‘t Slot.
More info:

With youth workers, social administrators, neighbourhood sports coaches, volunteers, trainees and of course the youth, we do our work in Eindhoven and the region. With this we reach young people from 7 to 27 years old. The juvenile centres in the neighbourhoods are the central centre of juvenile work, but we organize many activities outside of them. You can say: Dynamo Juvenile Work is everywhere where young people do their “thing”.
We pick up trends, needs and signals and translate them into activities. The activities we organize are intended for meeting and relaxation, sensible leisure activities, talent development and personal growth. We encourage young people to learn to organize themselves and support them on their path to realizing their dreams.
Dynamo Jeugdwerk has its own agenda:
Echo van het Zuiden is an accordion and mandolin orchestra that not only consists of accordions and mandolins, but also guitars and banjos, supplemented with a keyboard and percussion. We rehearse on Tuesday evenings from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. in ‘t Slot.
We have now been in existence for 75 years, with an average of 20 members. We are looking for new members; advanced guitarists and accordionists are very welcome.
We execute an annual concert every autumn. We also like to play in nursing homes, community centres and on special occasions and invitations.
The repertoire is very diverse, from light classical music and musicals to a swinging waltz or a rhythmic tango, as well as more modern songs.
For performances on request:

Losing weight under supervision has been a hot item in recent years. Many people would like to lose their excess kilos and need a little help with this. According to Gera Smetsers of EGA Netherlands, this is easy. She gives the course “Losing weight under supervision” weekly on Tuesday morning from 9.30 to 10.30 am in community center ‘t Slot. At the moment there is room for extra students. For more information about content and course costs, visit or contact Gera, 06-33666855
FotoSchouw is a photo club in Eindhoven of enthusiastic amateur photographers of 50 years and older. On Tuesday mornings we meet in ‘t Slot from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Our club does not aim to give photography courses, but to learn from each other.
The contribution of our photo club in 2021 is € 80.00 per year. Type of camera is not important.
If you are considering joining our photo club, feel free to visit one of our meetings in ‘t Slot. (Gerard Wijnen)

Groei en Bloei Eindhoven is part of the national association and has been using the rooms of ‘t Slot for several years now.
We organize annual activities for green enthusiasts such as:
● Lectures on gardens and gardening.
● Demonstrations, courses and workshops by professionals.
● Landscaping of gardens
● Plant exchange days.
● Excursions to growers and gardens.
For garden and gardening enthusiasts and nature lovers. Both for beginners and experienced gardeners and flower arrangers.
Members contribute to the annual program.
Get to know our association: visit a lecture.
Subscribe to our free electronic newsletter?
Visit our website
HCC-Zuidoost-Brabant is a region of the national association of computer hobbyists HCC.
- We provide lectures about computers in the broadest sense of the word.
- We help real beginners with our helpdesk and special lectures, but we also offer support and information for the more advanced.
- Our members are also active in working groups with Linux, flight simulation, computer embroidery, video and image processing, and 3D printing.
- Every 4th Saturday afternoon of the month there is a walk-in in ‘t Slot. Everyone can then get acquainted, view our offer, ask questions and request help for your computer, laptop, tablet, telephone. You are most welcome to take a look around, visit our reading table with computer related magazines.
HCC-Southeast Brabant

The KBO Gestelse Ontginning is an interest group for seniors and is an independent part of the KBO Brabant. Our department covers the entire Gestel district except for the area of the former Michael parish. We organize various activities in and from t Slot and assist our members by word and deed. Then someone of our Senior Counselors will speak with our members.Non-members are also very welcome at our activities. Their main purpose is to bring people out of their social isolation and bring them together with others so that contacts and friendships can be formed.
Every Wednesday morning from 10.00 to 11.30 h. in ‘t Slot.This morning residents of Oud Kasteel can meet each other in a pleasant atmosphere while enjoying a cup of coffee or tea and a chat.The first cup of coffee or tea with a biscuit costs € 1.00 and the second cup is free.Walk in and join the other residents of your neighbourhood. You’re very welcome.

We are a billiards club consisting of eight people and we practice the three cushion game.Feel free to come and have a look on a Monday evening between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. (Jos Verberne)
10 years ago, we, Frans Linssen and Dick Damstra, founded the Libre Billiards Club Messiaen, for 10 people from the Messiaen Park, where we also live. Every Thursday afternoon we have a good afternoon in ‘t Slot from 13:00 – 17:00 where we also learn from each other and receive instructions. Everyone is assigned so that we can all play 2 rounds. An average of approximately 1 to 1.5 cannons is played.
A billiards club where conviviality is paramount.

The Reumacafé, a spot where conviviality, making things with your hands or playing games come first.
A spot to meet each other in an informal atmosphere, have a chat, but where you also can quietly enjoy a cup of tea or coffe.
On Mondays, temporarily cancelled, at 2.00 pm.
For whom? For members, non-members and sympathizers.
There is no need to register.
For more information contact:
Lillian Korremans ( and Corry Huffenreuter (06 48 69 18 61)
Broken vacuum cleaner? Coffee machine is not working anymore? Computer problems? Clothing needs mending?
At the Repair Café Eindhoven we try to fix everything. The purpose of the Repair Café is to learn how to use materials and raw materials in a sustainable manner. Why throw everything away immediately if it breaks?
Manufacturers should make their devices in such a way that they last longer or are easier to repair.
You can come to the Repair Café Gestel without making an appointment.
There is a pot for a voluntary contribution. With your donations we can buy new tools for the Repair Café.

Painting club ‘t Slepertje is a small club at this moment consisting of 7 people where painting is done with great pleasure. We also like a pleasant chat. From making fun works of portraits to classic or landscapes, nothing is too crazy. We paint on our own initiative, so no assignments or the like and we help each other paint. We are in ‘t Slot every Monday morning from 09:00 to 12:00.
I invite you to come and have a look and you will see how cosy it is to be with us.
Jacky Vasen
Social Counsellors’ Work
The Social Counsellors’ Work provides people with information and/or support in the field of socio-legal matters, such as wages or benefits, taxes and allowances, schemes and facilities for changes in living situation and other legal matters. We explain how rules and procedures are applied and discuss your rights and obligations. Together we look at what is best to do in your case. Information or advice is often sufficient, but we can also help you write a letter, complaint or objection. If necessary, we will refer you to a lawyer or other specialist.
If you would like more information or to make an appointment, please contact us on 040 2193300 (option 2). We can be reached by telephone on Monday to Thursday from 12.30 pm to 4.30 pm. You can also send an email to

HALLO! is an accessible walk-in, location: ” de Hal ‘,’ Sterkenburg 2, where everyone is welcome to walk in and to join various activities.
At ” HELLO ” together we ensure cosiness, togetherness and connection!
Every Tuesday it is possible to pick up a healthy, freshly prepared evening meal at location: ” de Hal ”, Sterkenburg 2, for € 3.50. Reservations can be made at Dimph Bogers via number: 06-2371 8620, Tuesday before 10:00.
Every Wednesday we are present with the district team at ‘t Slot for a fun games afternoon from 13:00 to 15:00.
Just drop in, reservation is not necessary.

If you have trouble reading, writing, speaking, calculating or working with a computer, you may sometimes have a hard time. You end up alone and sometimes even drop out. It is also not good if you cannot do or achieve what you want to due to the fact that you do not master the Dutch language well enough. Taalkracht can help you to get a better place in society. Taalkracht organizes courses for everyone from the age of 18. You can contact us if you want to learn to read, write, speak or understand (better) Dutch. We also have courses in arithmetic and basic computer knowledge.

TAALCAFÉ, coffee time for non-native speakers
Every Friday morning, from 10:00 am to 11:30 am the Taalcafé (Language café) is open in Community Center ’t Slot.
Everyone from the Gestelse Ontginning who enjoys socializing and meeting new people from other cultures is very welcome to join us.
The second cup of coffee or tea is free!
For more information: (Arda Vos)
The VectorVest users group is a group of investors using VectorVest software, which combines fundamental and technical analysis.
Anyone interested in investing is welcome. We meet in ‘t Slot five times a year (dates to be announced). Admission is free.
Meet other investors in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere.

Vereniging van Natuurfotografen Ehv (Association of Nature Photographers )

Is nature photography your hobby? Then VNFE is the association for you.
From beginner to advanced photographer, everyone can learn a lot at our club. We are happy to exchange knowledge about technology and editing programs, but also about beautiful photo locations and interesting facts about flora and fauna.
We meet here in ‘t Slot one evening a month, usually the third Wednesday, to view and discuss each other’s photos on a large screen.
Are you interested?
You can always come and have a look at a club evening to taste the atmosphere, without any obligation
When? See: Welcome!
Radio Amateur Veron, branch Eindhoven
Although most people take it for granted, radio is magic. A world without it is hard to imagine: no radio or TV, no wifi, no satellite communication, no cell phones, no “Internet of Things” and other wireless communication.
Being a radio amateur is about experimenting. Our meetings consist of many activities, ranging from self-constructing and participation in contests, to training new radio amateurs and organizing lectures, often given by our own members, but also by external experts.
Our meetings take place in ‘t Slot, usually on the second and fourth Monday of the month. Start 8 pm.

Yoga Lucie

In ‘t Slot weekly yoga classes are given by Lucie Wolterbeek, certified, experienced yoga teacher.
Each lesson consists of standing postures, sitting and lying postures and is concluded with a lying relaxation.
All postures are built up step by step so that it is possible for everyone to practice at their own level.
Attention for breathing runs through it all.
If you would like to know if yoga is also something for you, feel free to make an appointment to participate once (or more often).
You are most welcome.
tel: 040-2521410
Zanggroep Dirk is an Eindhoven pop choir with a nice repertoire, enthousiastic singers, a live band (piano, drums guitar and bass guitar) and a lot of fun. We are with 25 members and we sing five-part: soprano, high and low alt, tenor and bass. Our repertoire consists of famous English and Dutch pop songs, and songs from musicals.
We pay a lot of attention to singing quality, stage performance, text experience, attitude and apperance. The leadership is in the hands of an experienced choral conductor and a music teacher.
Not only rehearsing together, organizing concerts, but also catching up, camping weekends, parties and drinks.
Dirks is rehearsing every Thursday night from 20.00 – 22.15 h. in ’t Slot.

The Self-Help Network Southeast Brabant Foundation brings fellow sufferers together. Because people who have been through the same thing often understand better what you’re struggling with than people who don’t have the same experience. By talking to each other about your experiences you know that you are not alone, but you can also talk about all the possibilities that are there and how you can be more powerful in life.There are self-help groups in different areas of life that are divided into four categories: physical, mental, addiction and other. People meet at different locations.Joining groups is anonymous and free. In the groups, the participants themselves determine how they organize the meetings, because each self-help group is autonomous.